
∥ 張國恩教授 ∥ 宋曜廷教授 ∥ 劉子鍵教授 ∥



  • Tang, J. T., Sung, Y. T. & Chang, K. E. (2016).Action research on the development of Chinese communication in a virtual community. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(5), 942-967. (SSCI) (DOI:10.1080/09588221.2015.1113184) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Tu, J. Y., Cha, J. H., & Wu, M. D. (2016). Processing preference toward object-extracted relative clauses in mandarin Chinese by L1 and L2 speakers: An eye-tracking study. Frontiers in Psychology (Language Science section) , 7(4), 1-14. (SSCI)(DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00004) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Liao, C. N., Chang, T. H., Chen, C. L., & Chang, K. E. (2016). The effect of online summary assessment and feedback system on the summary writing on 6th graders: The LSA-based technique. Computers & Education, 95, 1-18. (SSCI) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E. & Liu, T. C. (2016). The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers & Education, 94, 252-275 (SSCI). 
  • Lan, Y. J., Kan, Y.H., Sung, Y.T. & Chang, K.E. (2016). Oral-performance Language Tasks for CSL Beginners In Second Life. Language Learning & Technology.(in press) (SSCI) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Wu,M.D., Chen,C.K. & Chang,K.E. (2015). Examining the online reading behavior and performance of fifth-graders: evidence from eye-movement data. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-15. (SSCI)(DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00665) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Shih, P. C., & Chang, K. E. (2015). The effects of 3D-representation instruction on composite-solid surface-area learning for elementary school students. Instructional Science, 43, 115-145. (SSCI)(DOI:10.1007/s11251-014-9331-8) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Lin, W. C., Dyson, S. B., Chang, K. E.,& Chen, Y. C. (2015). Leveling L2 texts through readability: Combining multilevel linguistic features with the CEFR. The Modern Language Journal,99(2), 371-391. (SSCI)(DOI: 10.1111/modl.12213) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Cheng, Y. W., & Wu, J. S. (2015).Constructing a situation-based career interest assessment for junior-high-school students and examining their interest structure. Journal of Career Assessment, 1-19. (SSCI)(DOI:10.1177/1069072715580419) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Chen, J. L., Cha, J. H., Tseng, H. C., Chang, T. H., & Chang, K. E. (2015). Constructing and validating readability models: Integrating multilevel linguistic features with machine learning methods. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 340-354. (SSCI)(DOI 10.3758/s13428-014-0459-x) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang,T.H., Lin,W.C., Hsieh, K.S., & Chang,K.E .(2015).CRIE: An Automated Analyzer for Chinese Texts. Behavior Research Methods, 1-14 (SSCI)(DOI 10.3758/s13428-015-0649-1) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Yang, J. M. (2015). How effective are mobile devices for language learning and teaching? A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review,16, 68-84. (DOI:10.1016/j.edurev.2015.09.001) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Cha, J. H., Tu, J. Y., Wu, M. D., & Lin, W. C. (2015). Investigating the processing of relative clauses in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence from eye-movement data. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 1-25. 
  • Sung, Y. T., & Chao, T. Y. (2015).Construction of the examination stress scale for adolescent students. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 48(1), 44-58. (SSCI) 
  • Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T.*, Cheng, C. C., & Chang, K. E. (2015). Computer-supported cooperative prewriting for enhancing young EFL learners' writing performance. Language Learning & Technology, 19(2). (SSCI)(*Corresponding author) 
  • Chang, Y.L., Hou, H.T., Pan, C.Y., Sung, Y.T., Chang, K.E. (2015). Apply an augmented reality in a mobile guidance to Increase Sense of Place for Heritage Places. Educational Technology & Society, 18(2), 166-178. (SSCI) 
  • Zhang, J., Sung, Y. T., Hou, H. T., & Chang, K. E. (2014). The development and evaluation of an augmented reality-based armillary sphere for astronomical observation instruction. Computers & Education, 73, 178-188. (SSCI) 
  • Tseng,C.C., Chen, C.H., Chen,H.C., Sung,Y.T., Chang, K.E. (2014).Verification of dual factors theory with eye movements during a matchstick arithmetic insight problem. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 13, 129-140. (SSCI) 
  • Sung, Y.T., Huang, L.Y., Tseng, F.L., & Chang, K.E. (2014).The aspects and ability groups in which little fish perform worse than big fish: examining the big-fish-little-pond effect in the context of school tracking. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 39(3), 220-232. (SSCI) 
  • Sung, Y.T., Tseng, F.L., Kuo, N.P., Chang, T.Y., & Chiou, J.M. (2014) Evaluating the effects of programs for reducing achievement gaps: a case study in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 15(1), 99-113. (SSCI) 
  • Hou, H. T., Wu, S. Y., Lin, P. C., Sung, Y. T., Lin, J. W., & Chang, K. E.(2014). A blended mobile learning environment for museum learning. Educational Technology & Society, 17(2), 207–218. (SSCI) 
  • Chang, K. E., Wu, L. J., Lai, S. C., & Sung, Y. T. (2014). Using mobile devices to enhance the interactive learning for spatial geometry. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-19. (SSCI)(DOI:10.1080/10494820.2014.948458) 
  • Chang, K. E., Chang, C. T., Hou, H. T., Sung, Y. T., Chao, H. L., & Lee, C. M. (2014). Development and behavioral pattern analysis of a mobile guide system with augmented reality for painting appreciation instruction in an art museum. Computers & Education, 71, 185-197.(NSC-99-2511-S-003-026-MY3, NSC-100-2628-S-011-001-MY4, NSC-99-2511-S-011-007-MY3) (SSCI) 
  • Lee, R. W., Sung, Y. T., & Tzeng, J. L. (2013). Examining the efficiency of learning technology on game's task-specific and task-general effects from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, 2(3), 287-295.(SSCI) 
  • Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2013). From particular to popular: Facilitating EFL mobile-supported cooperative reading.Language Learning & Technology, 17(3), 23-38. (SSCI) 
  • Cheng, C. C. J., Wang, W. L., Sung, Y. T., Wang, Y. C., Su, S. Y., & Li, C. Y. (2013). Effect modification by parental education on the associations of birth order and gender with learning achievement in adolescents. Child: Care, Health and Development, 139(6), 894-902.(SSCI) 
  • Chen, Y. L., Pan, P. R., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2013). Correcting misconceptions on electronics: Effects of a simulation-based learning environment backed by a conceptual change model. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 212–227. 
  • Chen, H. C., Hsu, C. C., Chang, L. Y., Lin, Y. C., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2013). Using a radical-derived character e-Learning platform to increase learner knowledge of Chinese characters. Language Learning & Technology, 17(1), 89-106. (NSC-100-2631-S-003-007) (SSCI) 
  • Chang,K. E., Wu, L. J., Weng, S. E. & Sung, Y. T. (2012). Embedding game-based problem-solving phase into problem-posing system for mathematics learning. Computers & Education 58(2), 775-786. (SSCI) 
  • Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2011). Evaluating the reliability and impact of a quality-assurance system for E-learning courseware.Computers and Education, 57(2), 1615-1627. (SSCI) 
  • Hou,H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of the behavioral patterns in teachers using blogs for knowledge interactions. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(2), 34-36. (SSCI) 
  • Hou, H.T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2011). Exploring knowledge sharing discussion behavioral patterns in e-learning communities: A comparison of peer-assessmentand problem-solving strategy. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 21(1), 25-41. (IJCEELL) (EI) 
  • Chen, Y. L., Hong, Y. R., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2011). Efficacy of simulation-based learning of electronics using visualization and manipulation. Educational Technology & Society, 14(2), 269–277. (SSCI) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Hou, H. T., Liu, C. K., & Chang, K. E. (2010).Mobile guide system using problem-solving strategy for museum learning: asequential learning behavioural pattern analysis. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26, 106-115. (SSCI) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., Hou, H. T., & Chen, P. F. (2010). Designing an electronic guidebook for learning engagement in a museum of history. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(1), 74-83. (SSCI) 
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., Chang, T. H., & Yu, W. C. (2010). How many heads are better than one? The reliability and validity of teenagers’ self- and peer assessments. Journal of Adolescence, 33(1), 135-145. (SSCI) 
  • Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T., Tan, N. C., Lin, C. P., & Chang, K. E. (2010). Mobile-device-supported problem-based computational estimation instruction for elementary school students. Educational Technology & Society, 13(3), 55-69. (SSCI) 
  • Huang, C. J., Liu M. C., Chang, K. E., Sung, Y. T., Huang, T. H., Chen, C. H., Shen, H. Y., Huang, K. L., Liao, J. J., Hu, K. W., Luo, Y. C. & Chang, T. Y. (2010) .A learning assistance tool for enhancing ICT literacy of elementary school students. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 13(3), 126-138. (SSCI) 
  • Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2010). What kinds of knowledge do teachers share on blogs? A quantitative content analysis of teachers’ knowledge-sharing on blogs. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(6), 963-967. (SSCI) 
  • Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2010). Applying lag sequential analysis to detect visual behavioral patterns of online learning activities. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(2), 25-27. (SSCI) 
  • Chang, K. E., Lan, Y. J., Chang, C. M., & Sung, Y. T. (2010). Mobile-device-supported strategy for Chinese reading comprehension. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 47(1), 69-84.(SSCI) 
  • 陳茹玲、蔡鑫廷、宋曜廷、李宜憲(2015)。文本適讀性分級架構之建立研究。教育科學研究期刊,60(1),1-32。(TSSCI) 
  • 鄭育文、陳柏熹、宋曜廷*、陳信豪、蕭孟莛(2014)。電腦化適性職涯性向測驗編製研究。教育心理學報,46(2),271-288。(TSSCI)(通訊作者)(DOI:10.6251/BEP.20140516) 
  • 趙子揚、宋曜廷*、王雅鈴(2014)。「中學生考試壓力因應量表」之編製與應用。測驗學刊,61(2),283-310。(TSSCI)(通訊作者) 
  • 宋曜廷、周業太、曾芬蘭(2014)。十二年國民基本教育的入學考試與評量變革。教育科學研究期刊。59(1),1-32。(TSSCI) 
  • 宋曜廷、趙子揚、王雅鈴、黃瓅瑩、陳佳蓉、曾芬蘭(2013)。中學生考試壓力量表編製及其信度與效度之分析。測驗學刊。60(2),291-318。(TSSCI) 
  • 宋曜廷、陳茹玲、李宜憲、查日龢、曾厚強、林維駿、張道行、張國恩(2013)。中文文本可讀性分析:指標選取、模型建立與效度驗證。中華心理學刊。55 (1),75-106。(TSSCI) 
  • 王德蕙、李奕璇、曾芬蘭、宋曜廷*(2013)。國民中學學生基本學力測驗寫作測驗信度與效度分析研究。測驗學刊。60 (1),151-184。(TSSCI)(通訊作者) 
  • 宋曜廷、黃瓅瑩、郭念平、曾芬蘭(2012)。以縱貫學業表現檢驗大魚小池效應與見賢思齊效應。中華心理學刊,54(3),315-330。(TSSCI) 
  • 宋曜廷、黃信樽、陳學志(2012)。能源與氣候變遷概念之內容分析--以自然與生活科技領域為例。教科書研究。5(2),1-30。 
  • 宋曜廷、田秀蘭、鄭育文(2012)。國中與高中職階段生涯測驗使用現況之分析研究。教育心理學報,43(4),875-898。(TSSCI) 
  • 于文正、宋曜廷(2012)。「多元快樂來源量表」之編製。測驗學刊。59(3),397-427。(TSSCI) 
  • 宋曜廷、邱佳民、張恬熒、曾芬蘭(2011)。以國中基本學力測驗成績探討學習成就落差。教育政策論壇,14(1),85-117。(TSSCI) 
  • 萬世鼎、曾芬蘭、宋曜廷(2010)。國中基測英語科雙峰分配探索。測驗學刊,57(1),107-137。(TSSCI) 
  • 張國恩、宋曜廷、侯惠澤、陳裕隆(2010)。台灣中小學行動學習實施與運用現況探討。全球華人計算機教育應用學報。6,1(2),92-109。 
  • 宋曜廷、潘佩妤(2010)。混合研究在教育研究的應用。教育科學研究期刊,55(4),97-130。(TSSCI) 
  • 宋曜廷、周業太、林秀珊、吳佩嶼、曾芬蘭(2010)。從學校本位評量反思台灣擴大免試入學方案。教育科學研究期刊,55(2),73-103。(TSSCI) 
  • 吳心楷、宋曜廷、簡馨瑩(2010)。錄影分析在教育研究的應用。教育科學研究期刊,55(4),1-37。(TSSCI) 


  • Tseng, H. C., Chang, T. H., Chen, B. L. & Sung, Y. T. (2014, April). Analyzing textbooks by a readability model based on concepts and support vector machine. Paper presented at the Asian conference on language learning (ACLL 2014), Osaka, Japan.
  • Hsieh, K. S., Lin, W. C., Dyson, S. B., Liu, P. C., & Sung, Y. T. (2014, April). Leveling L2 Texts through Readability: Combining Multilevel Linguistic Features with CEFR. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2014), Osaka, Japan.
  • Chao, T. Y., & Sung, Y. T. (2014). Personal characteristics and examination stress among high school students: A latent class analysis. Post Poster presented at 35th annual convention of Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Jul 2- 4, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Sung, Y. T., Lin, W. C., Cha, J. H., Chen, J. L. (2013, August). CRIE: An analysis tool for Chinese as Second Language text. Paper presented at the Taiwan Education Research Association & Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium 2013 (TERA&PROMS2013), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Lin, W. C., Chen, J. L., Cee, Y. T., Chen, J. L., Sung, Y. T. (2013, July). The effect of online summary assessment and feedback system on the summery writing of 6th graders: The LSA-based technique. Paper presented at the 23th Annual Meeting of Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D), Valencia, Spain.
  • Hong, Jia-Fei, Yu-Jia Chen, Ju-Ling Chen, Wei-Chun Lin and Yao-Ting Sung. 2013. Evaluating Level of Chinese as a Second Language Text Difficulty. Paper presented at 2013 Annual Convention and World Language Expo (2013 ACTFL). Orlando, USA. 2013. 11.22-24.
  • Hong, Jia-Fei, Yao-Ting Sung and Kuo-En Chang. 2013. Chinese Conjunctions and readability complexity. Paper presented at 21st Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-21). Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University. 2012.8.29-31.
  • Chen, J. L., Cha, J. H., Wu, M. D., Tsai, S. T., Lin, W. C., Sung, Y. T. (2013, July). Investigating the Process of Relative Clause in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence from Eye-movement Data. Paper presented at the 23th Annual Meeting of Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D), Valencia, Spain.
  • Chao, T. Y., & Sung, Y. T. (2013). Who? How? Why? Achievement, Exam Stress and Causes of Stress in Taiwan 9th Grade Students. Poster presented at 121th annual convention of American Psychological Association, Jul 31- Aug 4, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  • Wu, L. J., Lai, S. C., Chang, K. E., Sung, Y. T., & Hsiao,H. S.(2012). The Effect of Learning Spatial Geometry By Mobile Devices. ICCE2012: International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE). December, Singapore.
  • Wu, L. J., Chang,K. E., & Sung, Y. T.(2012). Developing Cognitive Diagnostic Assessments system for mathematics learning. ICALT 2012 : 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies Jul 4-6, Rome, Italy.
  • Tseng, H.-C., Chang, T.-H., Sung, Y.-T. (2012, Nov). Evaluation of the feasibility of online readability application. Paper will presented at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP 2012). Minnesota, USA. (Accepted).
  • Sung,Y. T., Chen, J.-L., Lee,Y. T., Lee, Y.-S., Peng, C.-Y., Tseng, H.-C., Chang, T.-H. Chang (2012, July). Constructing and Validating a Readability Modal with LSA : A Case Study of Chinese and Social Science Textbooks. Paper presented at 22th Annual Meeting of Society for Text and Discourse Process, Montreal, Canada.
  • Sung, Y. T., Tien, H. L., & Cheng, Y. W.(2012).The application of career tests in high school in Taiwan. In H.-L.Tien,Career Services in School Settings in Chinese Societies. Symposium confucted at 120th annual convention of American Psychological Association, Aug. 2-5, Orlando, USA.
  • Sung, Y. T. , &Cheng, Y. W. (2012). Application of Career Tests in High School in Taiwan. Symposium presented at 120th annual convention of American Psychological Association, Aug. 2-5, Orlando, USA.
  • Peng, C. Y., Chen, J. L., Wu, M. D., Tsai, S. T., & Sung, Y. T. (2012, October). Processing Chinese relative clauses in L2 speakers: Evidence from eye-movement. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Lin, W.-C., Chen, J.-L., Sung, Y.-T. (2012, Nov) . Integrating Cloze tests with Item Response Theory to validate a readability formulae. Paper will presented at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP 2012). Minnesota, USA. (Accepted).
  • Lin, W. C., Chen, J. L., & Sung, Y. T. (2012, November). Integrating cloze tests with item response theory to validate a readability formulae. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP 2012), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Lee, Y.-S., Tseng, H.-C., Chen, J.-L., Peng, C.-Y. Chang, T.-H., Sung, Y.-T. (2012, July).Constructing a novel Chinese readability classification model using principal component analysis and genetic programming. Paper presented at the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 4-6, Rome, Italy..
  • Lee, Y.-S., Chen, J.-L., Chang, T.-H., Chang, K.-E., Chen, H.-C., & Sung, Y.-T.(2012, Aug). Classifying Chinese text based on readability indices: comparing the machine learning and statistical approaches. Paper presented at International Conference on Frontier Computing– Theory, Technologies and Applications (IET FC2012), Xining, China.
  • Hsueh, J. H., Cheng, Y. W., & Sung, Y. T. (2012). Vocational Interest Patterns And Differentiation Of Junior High School Students. Poster presented at 120th annual convention of American Psychological Association, Aug. 2-5, Orlando, USA.
  • Hong, J. F., Tseng, H. C., Li, Y. S., & Sung, Y.T. (2012, Nov). Constructing a Chinese text readability formula with multi-level linguistic features. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP 2012), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Hong, J. F., Sung, Y. T., & Chang K. E. (2012, Aug). The Shape Classifiers in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20). August, 29-31, Hong Kong.
  • Chen, J.-L., Tseng,H.-C. Cha,J.-H.,Chang, T.-H.,Sung, Y.-T.(2012, May) . The Construction of Readability Formula for Chinese Text Using SVM: the Preliminary Study. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT7) , University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
  • Chen, J.-L., Sung, Y. T.,Tasi, S.-T.,Chen J.-G.,Wu, M. D.(2012, July).The web-based reading behavior of the students in the 5th and 6th grade: Evidence from eye-movement data. Paper presented at the 19th annual meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Montreal, Canada.
  • Chen, J.-L., Cha, J.-H., Chang, T.-H., Sung, Y.-T., & Hsieh, K.-S. (2012, Nov). CRIE: A tool for analyzing Chinese text characteristics. Paper presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP), Minnesota, USA.
  • Chao, T. Y., Wang, Y. L., & Sung, Y. T. (2012). Development of Examination Stress Scale and the Examination Stress in Taiwan. Poster presented at 120th annual convention of American Psychological Association, Aug. 2-5, Orlando, USA.
  • Chang, Y. T., & Sung, Y. T. (2012). Career Aspiration and Expectation for Taiwanese Vocational High School Students. Poster presented at 120th annual convention of American Psychological Association, Aug. 2-5, Orlando, USA.
  • Chang, T. H., Sung, Y. T., & Lee, Y. T. (2012, November). A Chinese word segmentation and POS tagging system for readability research. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP 2012), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Sung, Y.-T., Chang, T.H., Chen, J.-L., Cha, J.-H., Huang, C.-H., Hu, M.-K., &; Hsu, F.-Y. (2011, July). The construction of Chinese Readability Index Explorer and the analysis of text readability. Paper presented at 21th Annual Meeting of Society for Text and Discourse Process, Poitiers, France.
  • 薛人華、鄭育文、宋曜廷(2013年10月)。國中學生職涯興趣組型的潛在剖面分析。論文發表於台灣心理學年會,國立政治大學。
  • 鄭育文、陳信豪、宋曜廷(2013年10月)。情境式職涯興趣測驗編製及Holland 職業興趣理論驗證。論文發表於台灣心理學年會,國立政治大學。
  • 洪嘉馡, 宋曜廷, 鄭錦全. 2013. 中文文本語義複雜度研究. 第十四屆漢語詞彙語義學研討會(CLSW 2013). 中國, 鄭州:鄭州大學. 2013.5 11-12.
  • 簡馨瑩、趙子揚、連啟舜、宋曜廷(2012)。閱讀理解策略使用量表之編製。中國測驗學會2012年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會。10月,台北市。
  • 簡馨瑩、趙子揚、宋曜廷、王繼伶(2012)。幼兒工作記憶測驗之編製。第十屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會。9月,中國江西。
  • 蕭孟莛、趙子揚、陳柏熹、蔡順良、宋曜廷(2012)。金融人才性格測驗之編製與職務特質分析。第十屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會。9月,中國江西。
  • 蔡鑫廷、陳茹玲、宋曜廷(2012,10月)。專家文本分級架構建立之研究。第51屆台灣心理學年會,台中:亞洲大學。
  • 趙子揚、宋曜廷(2012)。教師情境判斷測驗:題庫建置及自我效能之研究。第十屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會。9月,中國江西。
  • 曾厚強、張道行、宋曜廷(2012,10月)。可讀性公式應用於網路文本之可行性評估。第51屆台灣心理學年會,台中:亞洲大學。
  • 陳茹玲、查日龢、張道行、宋曜廷、謝冠生(2012)。中文文本可讀性指標自動擷取工具─CRIE。第51屆臺灣心理學年會,台中,臺灣。
  • 張道行、宋曜廷、李垚暾、謝冠生(2012)。中文斷詞之可讀性應用研究。第51屆臺灣心理學年會,台中,臺灣。
  • 洪嘉馡、曾厚強、李宜憲、宋曜廷(2012)。以多層次語言特徵建構非線性可讀性公式。第51屆臺灣心理學年會,台中,臺灣。
  • 洪嘉馡、陳浩然、宋曜廷、張國恩(2012)搭配詞與華語教學的關係:以語料庫為本的研究,「第二屆漢語作為地二語言研究國際研討會」國際學術研討會,台北:國立臺灣師範大學。
  • 林維駿、陳茹玲、宋曜廷(2012)。整合IRT之克漏字技術驗證可讀性公式校度之研究。第51屆臺灣心理學年會,台中,臺灣。
  • 李垚暾、詹雅婷、李宜憲、張道行、宋曜廷。(2012,10月)。以潛在語意技術建立領域特定之可讀性公式。第51屆台灣心理學年會,台中:亞洲大學。
  • 趙子揚、陳珈文、宋曜廷(2011)。電腦適性化數感測驗題庫建立及其信效度分析。中國測驗學會2011年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會。10月,台北市。
  • 趙子揚、王雅鈴、宋曜廷(2011)。中學生考試壓力內涵及其與學業成就之相關研究。台灣心理學會第50屆年會。10月,台中市。
  • 宋曜廷、趙子揚、王雅鈴、黃瓅瑩、陳佳蓉、曾芬蘭(2011)。中學生考試壓力量表編製及信效度分析。中國測驗學會2011年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會。10月,台北市。
  • 宋曜廷、張道行、陳茹玲、李宜憲(2011):可讀性特徵擷取自動化工具之發展,華語文自動處理與工具應用工作坊,台北:臺灣師範大學,2011年12月30日。「文本可讀性指標自動化分析系統(Chinese Readability Index Explorer,CRIE)」
  • 宋曜廷、洪榮昭、陳柏熹、蕭顯勝、鄭育文(2011,3月)。The career information system: New model, new design, and new。2011數位典藏與數位學習國際研討會。台北。



  • Lai, M. L., & Sung, Y. T. (2017). Music education for both the talented and the masses: The policy of assessment-based reform. In P. Schmidt & R. Colwell (Eds.), Policy and the Political Life of Music Education (pp. 141-154). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • 宋曜廷(2014)(執行總主編)。華語文與科技叢書。台北,高等教育出版社。
  • 王士元(2014)(編著)、宋曜廷(執行總主編)。語言、演化與大腦。台北,高等教育出版社。
  • 黃嘉莉、趙子揚、宋曜廷(2013)。教師情境判斷測驗編製之理論基礎與實踐。載於吳清基、黃嘉莉(主編),雲端時代的師資培育(pp. 97-124)。中華民國師範教育學會,台北。
  • 張國恩、宋曜廷 (2012) (編著)。數位學習品質管理。台北,高等教育出版社。
  • 張國恩、宋曜廷 (2012) 數位學習品質管理的基本概念。載於:張國恩、宋曜廷 (2012) (編著)。數位學習品質管理。台北,高等教育出版社。
  • 宋曜廷、張國恩 (2011)(總主編)。數位學習系列叢書。台北,高等教育出版社。
  • 宋曜廷 (2011)(編著)。數位學習研究方法。台北市,高等教育出版社。
  • 宋曜廷、廖楷民(2011)。數位學習研究的變遷:學習理論, 資訊科技和研究方法的互動。載於:宋曜廷(編著),數位學習研究方法。台北市,高等教育出版社。
  • 宋曜廷 (2011)。調查研究法在數位學習的應用。載於:宋曜廷(編著)。數位學習研究方法。台北市,高等教育出版社。
  • 宋曜廷、潘佩妤(2011)。混合研究在數位學習的應用。載於:宋曜廷(編著)。數位學習研究方法。台北市,高等教育出版社。


  • 採用自比量尺之測驗系統及其方法(證書號:發明 第I 450231號)。



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